On Saturday I took the first step, and so far, my longest step. As I sat on my couch watching the Olympics, wishing I was half as in shape as these athletes are, it hit me. I like running. I always have. The spark was lit. But I often lose motivation when I get in a fitness kick. So I called up a buddy who lives in my apartment complex and we were off. I decided to follow my buddy in his normal CBD route.
View 7/28/2012 Run in a larger map
On Sunday, I decided to keep it up. I grabbed one of my best friends, Beau, and ran two laps around my apartment complex.
I was feeling tired from the previous day's run, so we decided to take it easy. We decided that we would rest up and get in an early morning Monday run.
Let me know what you think about the blog so far in the comments below! What would you like to hear more about-- running routes, running stories, what I see on the runs? I want to make this something you enjoy reading and want to come back to.
See you on the road!
I'd love to hear about the people and sights you see.